【同义词辨析】 2019-10-28 转动curve-twist
curve: implies following or producing a line suggesting the arc of a circle or ellipse: the road ~d sharply to the left. ellipse椭圆
bend: suggests a yielding to force and implies a distortion from the anticipated, normal, or desired straightness: metal rods ~ under the immense weight. (yield指外力下变形to give way by force,如a mattress that yields to pressure垫子受力会变形) (distort扭曲变形implies a wrenching from the natural, normal, or true shape, form, direction指受到拧或拉,导致形状外观方向等变得不自然正常真实,如the odd camera angle distorts his face in the photograph奇怪的照相角度导致他的脸在相片中变形)
turn: implies change of direction essentially by rotation and not usually as a result of force or pressure: the comet will ~ toward the earth. (rotate旋转to move in a circle around a center,如the daily rotation of the earth on its axis地球每天自转) (我们知道阿甘正传里珍妮唱的
twist: implies the influence of a force having a spiral effect throughout the object or course involved: the ~ed wreckage of a spacecraft. (这个词意义丰富,还表示歪曲曲解to mispresent,如the newspaper was accused of twisting the facts这家报纸被指责歪曲事实,如you always twist everything I say你总是歪曲我说的每一句话;这个词表示拧to turn with hand,如she gave the lid another twist and it came off她又拧了一下,盖儿开了,还常表示意想不到的变化an unexpected change,如the story has taken another twist故事情节再一次变化,如the disappearance of a vital witness added a new twist to the case一名重要证人失踪,令诉讼出现了新的变数,如by a curious twist of fate we met again only a week or so later由于命运巧妙的安排,大约只过了一周我们又相逢了。本组最后两个词结合在一起twists and turns是个固定搭配: 一波三折,如the twists and turns of his political career他政治生涯一波三折) (spiral螺旋,不停旋转to wind round and round,如a spiral staircase螺旋形楼梯,如production costs began to spiral生产成本开始螺旋式上升(升得越来越快),如the upward/downward spiral of sales螺旋式上升/下降的销售额(升或降越来越快),spiral螺旋式表示”越来越“)
curve曲线转弯: 指沿着圆弧线前进,bend变弯: 表示受到外力,离开正常直线,变得扭曲变形,turn转向: 指自身旋转改变方向,并非受外力,twist旋转扭转: 指物体受到螺旋式外力的作用
记忆方法: 1)首字母CBTT谈吐不错<==转动自如
2)转动的意思是从直线转离mean to swerve or cause to swerve from a straight line or course. swerve突然转向,把s想成sudden